I just spent the whole day roaming the streets of Bath- Alone.
And I guess that’s not such a bad thing..
Because when you’re alone, you’re forced to be more aware of your surroundings.
And what you realise may just be worth the loneliness.
I saw old couples sit under the shades of trees.
Talking, holding hands, and sometimes they let slip a peck or two..
Nothing over the top or repulsive.
Just simple gestures of love.
And I’m thinking, why don’t we see this more often in our culture?
(No, the Pevi/KLCC kids doing the nasty DOES NOT count)
I overhear an old man say to his wife;
“Look there honey, homemade chocolates! You love chocolates.”
*Tugs the wife along*
The wife says;
“Oh, it’s a little pricey isn’t it?”
He replied;
“Nothing’s too pricey for you. Anyways, we’re on holiday!”
I almost let an “Awwwwh~” slip.
I wish I’ll have somebody who adores me as much as that when I’m well over 60, fat and wrinkly.
I miss the boyfriend even more after seeing the love fest.
PS: Staying on my low carb diet is harder than I thought here in the UK.
Nothing is readily halal except for vegan bread (Which I cannot eat), fruits and Vegetables (Which are expensive).
This is what I'll be eating most of the time:
It looked and tastes lovely but after a while, you'll yearn for something more filling.. T.T
Oh.. NOooo...
*guling2 kelaparan*