Monday, March 15, 2010

Missile Launched

The tribunal twas beyond shitty.
Scratch that. The whole fucking day was beyond shitty.

After 5 hours of screwing my brains out for our constitutional assignment, coming in late for all of my classes and major ass-kissing duty to make sure that I do not have to repeat my bloody curricular classes, the last thing I need is a (so called) tribunal.

I shall pun my bitchy whining to a minimum today :(

On the bright side, although my brains are totally fried and shall not work in it's optimum for at least a day, the consti assignment is DONE. Hurrah!
Nothing makes me feel better than work done ahead of schedule..

Plus, I shall not be needing to repeat my curricular class! *phew!*
(Acting all meek and a lil sweet talk really works people!)
Besides, what major loser has to repeat bloody curricular class??
Thank god I've dodged that bullet.

Sometimes, if you want something done right, you have to bloody do it yourself.
Anyway, the fact that my own head was on the chopping block if I don't get this thing sorted out is motivation enough!

About the tribunal... all I can say is that I'm swearing off that college for the rest of my life.
I'll most probably never say a good thing about it.
Which is just fine with me.
I shall pay the fucking fine and let them have their petty fun with the money.
Come to think of it, it must suck balls to be working in that shit hole.
The least we can do is give them some pocket money.

Will go watch a movie with the boyfriend.
(I do not care that I have a morning class tomorrow)
I need the R&R.

0 Mystified People: