Wednesday, January 26, 2011


I am not myself lately.
I know I'm a klutz.. And I forget things..
But now, I can't even remember what day it is (=.=)"

Today, I thought my class was at Menara.
It wasn't.
It's on Thursday. Today's Wednesday you twit.
When I finally JOGGED back to Cempaka- to my supposed class.
Twas empty.
Only THEN did I remember that the lecturer mentioned that there's NO CLASS today.
*Bash head on wall*

Oh well, at least now I've done my day's worth of jogging.

Jessup is this weekend!
Hurry up! 
I want this over and done with so that I can enjoy my *tong-tong-chang* CNY hols!

P/S: Funny how I'm more impatient than nervous.
Hmmm... But then again, the nervousness will kick in soon enough..

0 Mystified People: