Monday, August 8, 2011

The TAMA Obsession Continues..

It's 4.15 am.
I have to be in The Palace of Justice by 8 am.
That will gimmie about... 4 hours of sleep?
Oh. Wait.
So that means 3 hours?
Oh, screw it.
If I sleep I'll NEVER be able to wake up.
Might as well stay up the whole night.
I just hope I don't end up snoring in the court room.
Now THAT will be an epic disaster.

Am passing the time by uploading some vids..
Just for fun, this is a vid of the rebirth of my Tamas.
(I had this vid for a while already..)
And you can tell that this was a spontaneous project by the number of bloopers (and also the complete lack of editing). Heh.

PS: I cheated on my low-carb diet.
I'm starting to eat small portions of rice & I even scarfed down a couple spoon full of ice cream.
*Flying kick muka sendiri*
And I'll be going to an office buka puasa shindig tonight!
That means MORE carbs. 
Uggh.. I HATE my lack of self control.

0 Mystified People: