Thursday, October 15, 2009

Currents of the lake

'They' say that that in order to have what you crave for the most, a leap of faith is in order.

'They' say believe in your cause, and you shall have your reward.

It will come if you open yourself to the possibilities.

Oh, we all hear what 'they' say. We all see the hope 'they' try to instill. But what 'they' forgot to mention was what happens if you take a leap of faith and not land where you want to. If you believe in your cause but the reward you have been waiting for never comes. If you open yourself to the endless possibilities and end up vulnerable to all the pains in the world.

Yes, I do admit that I'd like to believe what 'they' say. We're all humans after all, we all want happiness. And if we can't have that, then even the idea of it will do.. sad isn't it?

For years I've been a firm believer that NOT listening to 'them' shall keep me safe. No fucking leaps of faith and openness for me! It will only leave you weak. And I despise being so.

But for some odd reason, I let myself take the biggest leap of faith there is. And expose myself to the worst kinds of hurt and pain imaginable.

I must have been out of my mind.

High in the heat of the moment.

But damn it, I wanted to know what it feels like to let your happiness hang in the balance of another person. To stop building walls and actually believe that a person can take a part of my soul and actually keep it safe from harm.

"Are you sure you won't regret this?"

How am I supposed to be absolutely sure? I may, maybe. But for now, I don't.

I'm never the type to build castles in the sky. I know what may happen eventually. It may take a year, maybe even 5. I'm not sure..

But what I AM sure about is that no matter what happens to us, regardless of how it ends. Part of me shall always be yours. It may be forgotten and discarded over time, how you keep it is up to you. But I know that the significance of what had happened will never fade for me. One day I might crave for that part of me again but I also know that I shall never have it back.

This is my leap of faith.

0 Mystified People: