Friday, June 18, 2010

Oh, Money!

My baby no1 (lappy) is sick!
Need to repair it ASAP!
Or at least before I leave for Maritime moots. *Sigh*
This is NOT the best time for this to happen :(
And this is gonna cost me around RM 400.
I hope I can find a bargain and fix it for less then that!

Why do I feel like my dosh is flying outta my wallet in an incredibly scary pace??
Between printing, food, shopping and gas expenditures.. I'm going broke!

Maybe I need to get a part time job?
Hmm.. But I don't think my trainers would like that very much.
I guess I just have to make do with what I have..
Thank god daddy agreed to help me pay for the repairs..
But still! (=.=)"

Father's day is around the corner.
He even dropped some clues on what he wants! *smacks hand on forehead*
Need to get that before I start training tomorrow~
God help me.

0 Mystified People: