Friday, August 13, 2010


With no moots to fill up time, I find myself oddly free.
Suddenly, there's time for me to go to the movies.
(And even watch a movie for 3 nights in a row! All time record yaw!)
And spend (much overdue) time with the boyfriend.

I miss everything so much.
And there's so much I want to do- which (of course) does NOT have anything to do with my academics!
I admit, I got caught in the trill of it all..
Being so young and free..
How can one NOT get caught up??

But when I had to make a choice, I knew I had to choose between living for the moment (and possibly do something incredibly stupid) or living for the future (boriiing!).
Deep down, I know I should've had the strength to say no to temptation.
But hell, I'm wont stay young forever.

I made my choice.
And I can't say that I regret it.
Living on the wild side fucking rocks.

3 major tests next week and I'm still in my party mode.
How on earth am I gonna find the strength to sit my ass down and actually study??

0 Mystified People: