Saturday, August 28, 2010

Interpart 2010

Even though I ran away from the event early (tee-hee), I'm still dead tired.
I cannot imagine what the rest are feeling like :/

p/s: Congratulations to the teams who broke to the semis!

I know I should be more involved with the event.
It WAS where I started my mooting Career after all..
But the parental unit is getting restless.
And them restless = me on the grill about what I do.

Plus, they're starting to doubt my ability to score in my studies.
Normally, I'd brush their remarks aside but that was when I KNOW I can score.
Regardless what they say.
Now, not so much.
Twas like a smack in the face when I realised that we only have 2 months to the finals.
What the hell have we been studying in class anyways??!
*Gulp!* (o.0)"

Oh, and QUT is visiting UiTM and they want a 'friendly' moot match.
Right before finals.
Like I don't have anything better to do then fret about these penyibuks!

0 Mystified People: