Thursday, May 21, 2009

Things that reduce me into goo.

"hye, what r u up 2?"

"nothing. juz reading."

"what r u reading? n since when were u so into reading? new 'Inspiration' eh?"

"angels and demons. No, I've always been into reading. but i read more during da holz. u pandang rendah kat I ke?"

*rolls eyes*

Angles and Demons?! ok, I admit that I've read it, but it was just to see what was all the hype about. Wanted so badly to ask why he was reading that book. but I might hurt his feelings again.
Haiz.. emo pulak dia ni. Quick! damage control.

"No! most of the guys I know don't like to read for fun. U seem like 1 of those guys. gila stereotype. sorry."

"no lah, u didn't do anything wrong. no need to say sorry. so, any plans 2moro?"

"Nothing. sleep n eat I guess. U?"

"same here, but I've been watching the sun rise/set in my free time. wish u were here."

Damn it! why did u have to go and say that??! I missed you already. Doing fucked up corny things were supposed to be OUR thing.

wanted to say i've missed you. and to come back here so we could do all the idiotic things we've planned to do. but i've never been too good at saying what I feel.

Damn it, look what you've done. Hate it when i become this pathetic blob.


Watching the results finals of American Idol.

(nothing else interesting was on. Astro is getting goddamn boring!)

Was basically not paying attention to the people prancing on stage. Until Jason Maraz came on stage. I never cared for him much, but what grabbed my attention was not his kick-ass vocals but the fact that he wasn't wearing any shoes!

what the hell was all that about? dude, your fucking RICH! get a pair of shoes.

your also on stage, not by the beach.

I totally get the whole hobo look. but don't over do it..

They have also added their own little award show this year.

Wow, so original. but I guess they think they can get away with the faux pas. since the whole damn world is so into American Idol. *snickers*

At least they managed to get Cyndi Lauper.

And 'variety'.
KISS + Jason + Cyndi + Lionel Richie + Carlos santana + Steve Martin = madness!
Haha.. terabur, but telan je la..
Getting bored...

owh, btw, kris won.
yipee~ -.-

4 Mystified People:

Ramen said...

hey, mist_tarry girl.
am very curious to know
who are you?

u link my blog.
and i know all the people
that u link.

arina right??

Reina Lum said...

yea syg!
so, how was ur results??

Ramen said...

server down.
i tak check lagi.
babe, ym or msn maybe???

miss you syg!!!

Reina Lum said...

i hav ym.
add me!