Sunday, August 9, 2009

Cookie Monster!

Opted to take part in the family's TAHLIL instead of going to 'Dig It All' this weekend. Alhamdulillah.. HAHA.

Yep, believe it people! Got involved in the whole thingamajig! The cooking (Ok, Fine! More like stirring the food. But still!), the sending of the food to the local surau, going to the surau (with tudung!) and even stayed through the whole thing! No lari-lari for breaks (Have to admit that I'll normally doze off during these things.. Not my fault! It's the mini setans playing tag on my eyelids..)! But not yesterday! NO sir! I was wide awake!

I tried my best to slug through it but it was not fun as I was yelled and glared at all day. Haih.. Orang nak berubah ni! bagi lah support sikit! Dah la I sanggup sacrifice my day of doing evil at Cap Square. (T.T)

Yes, I'm very proud of my achievement. So very very bangga with the 'improved and slightly less devilish' me. But next time, I'll hire a caterer. Thankyouverymuch!

Thank you dear friends who have been congratulating me on my obvious efforts to move outta the dark side. Terharu sebentar! But I was surprised that some were so adamant that my act was just a emotional glitch. A GLITCH. "Kejap lagi back to her normal evil- doing self la tu.." *Tsk-tsk* Sampai hati cakap macam tu! Walaupun dalam hati I agree with you.. HAHA. Slow and steady yea..

Even Fareez is not trusting me anymore due to my tendencies to go to the good side. Says I'll contaminate his mind - with GOODNESS. Wtf?? Dude! Trust me, nobody can further contaminate your mind. ESPECIALLY with goodness. Simply ain't possible.

Whatever it is, I ain't no saint. So bring on the sins! (Astaghfirullah..) XD


Went shopping for a new handphone - to replace the one I've lost. (Sedih sebentar.. Yes, I have not moved on. Twas my second baby love! *Sob*)

I have admit, I got somewhat delusional at one point; thinking that I'll get the Newest most fantastic bombastic phone out there. I even asked to look at the Blackberrys, i-Phones and touch screens galore.. Forgetting that (technically) it was my fault that my lovely phone is no longer with me. (T.T)"

THAT was when daddy turned to me and said that Mummy forbid him to buy me anything fantastic bombastic as I'll most likely lose it again. Nak nangis pun ada time tu.. Damn you! (I'm referring to the thief, NOT Mummy.) I know that I should be thanking my lucky stars that my dear parents agreed to buy me another phone.. And I am! But I guess daddy saw the excitement die in my eyes And felt sorry for me. (Yeay!) Hence the new proposition; I can buy anything I want under RM*tut-tut*.. No way am I gonna be crude enough to mention prices. But lets just say it was more than was allowed. Hihi..

Money in hand, I went off hunting for my new baby! saw an i-Phone for RM 600 yo! But then later found out that it was 'made in China' i-Phone, No warranty. Dang! Turned out there were Lots and LOTS of phones made illegally from china here.. God, was so tempted to bag the sweet Blackberry Bold.. But in my mind I was like; better take the original ones.. You drop your phones too damn often! Rosak nanti wo!

So dragged my sorry ass to the brighter part of the mall and looked for legit shops. Did some flirting with the guy who sells the phones and got a sweet deal on a LG Cookie. First hand, limited edition and most importantly, Original. Even managed to get it upgraded to 8 GB. All within my budget! Bliss!

The sound quality is good enough for me and the interface is way better then the fuckretard Nokia touch screen. And it's so sleek! *Happy~*

I'm calling my new baby Cookie Monster! Cute. HAHA.

0 Mystified People: