Monday, November 22, 2010

The normal things

The visit to NUS was.. umm.. interesting.
People say that I'll be blown away by how hi-tech and globalized they were.
In a sense, I was.

Pretty nice.
This is the business faculty and they have lil corners like this where students can just hang out or do their work.
I like the cute mini sofas!
Plus, the whole place is air conditioned.
But then, so is UITM..

But they win hands down on the student affairs department.
These are not condos, they're in-campus student residence!
*Green with jealousy*
If only Kenanga is like this :'(

But above all else, they have this near their student centre;

I mean like WHAT THE HELL?
That is so cool.
Major brownie points from me.
Nothing can win me over better then food~
They get Subway while the good residents of Kenanga get... nothing.
Not even a minimalist mini market.

But just before going back to the hotel, I read this on one of the student shout out boards;
"We love bang bros, mofo bros, all bros. Yeah!"

Just goes to show that no matter where you go, students will be students.
Perangai same je.

Caught Mummy trying to plug in the printer using my i pod wires.
She complains that she cant tell all the stupid wires apart.
So now we have a bunch of small bags with post-its on them- especially for all the pesky wires.
Mom is so cute sometimes :)

0 Mystified People: