Tuesday, November 16, 2010

When it's good, it's orgasmic

Exams are over!
Am SO glad :)
Nothing that I absolutely HAVE to do.
Just full hours of doing whatever I want to do.
And to celebrate the end of the pesky exams, we all went out to dinner.
Meow even got back from home just to hang out with us.

I Love you!
(PS: You still owe me food for that promise you broke.)
(PPS: Seriously. I'm waiting.)

And (of course) the rest of the housemates.
They never fail to make me feel right at home :D
Formal intro to this bloggie:
Frm left: Moi, Adik, Anna & Amyra.
(PS: Am going through some major jealousy issues with adik. She has bright red short hair now. I ALWAYS wanted that! Since like, FOREVER. *sobs*)

And though I've been spending most of my time with the boyfriend since the end of the exams, I still miss him.
I guess I'm supposed to be sad that he's back in Mersing.
But the thought that I'll miss him- Even after all our spills, makes me happy.

I don't mean to be all gushy here, but I do love you.
All of you.
And yeah, that includes all your craziness.

(PS: Thanks for watching Megamind with me~)
(PPS: In a way... you can dance. Haha.)

Am truly happy.
The happiest I've been in weeks.
I hope this lasts.
*crosses fingers*

0 Mystified People: