Wednesday, December 22, 2010


To do list:

1) Finish writing the memorials for both applicant and respondent - Check!
2) Finalize stock order for blogshop - Check!
3) Make payments for new house - Check!
4) Make payments for stock ordered -Check!
5) Resolve parental unit problem - Check!

All I need to do now is read up for all my footnotes and wait patiently for my stock to arrive!

Who would have thought that I'll do something like this??
I guess it's true that you'd do what you have to do in a time of need.

This is the only way I know how I can pay the rent without working..

The new semester is about to start!
It suddenly dawns..
I really didn't get my holiday.
This whole mooting thing is a love-hate relationship indeed.

I miss the boyfriend.
I've not spent time with him for what seems like ages.
And his only a 5 min drive away!
I hope he understands..

0 Mystified People: