Sunday, December 5, 2010

The OneS

I cannot sleep.
Not even after a 4km jog in the middle of the night.
Now my mind is wandering off..
And always ALWAYS going back to moots, my moots family and how badly I want to win Jessup.

The weird thing is, I don't care about how awesome being national champions will look on my CV.
Nor do I care if I get the bragging rights of being the best at something.
It's not even about sacrificing my holidays -since god knows when..

I just wanna win to make sure that our last hurrah counts.
The last moots that we'll ever be in as a team.
Hell, if we're going out, we'll go out with a bang.
And I will miss you guys dearly when you retire.

Though it may be a tad premature for me to say this;
But I do not think that they'll ever be another team like ours.
At least not for me.
*I am convinced that we took the whole "team spirit" threshold a lil too far*

And I do appreciate you guys.
Though I may not show it well with my constant late-ness & malas-ness.

More importantly, I do take our promises to heart.
Sure, we'll have to stop mooting at one point, but I don't think I'll ever have to hip-hip with you guys.
I do believe that we'll still be a team way after our mooting days are gone..

So Jessupers out there, you'd better get your asses covered coz we're out to get ya!


I love you guys.
I really do.
But just because you're retiring, does NOT mean you're off the hook!
Drop by when you sense we're struggling with future moots.
You guys promised..


Z, you are NOT allowed to leave me alone with moots.
Under ANY circumstances!
If you quit, I quit.
That's final.
*Puts foot down*
I may not survive without you.

The boyfriend wont be here on his B'day after all.
Well, I know he wants to be here and that's what counts.
I understand that you have obligations.
I will be here.
Waiting for you to come home.

0 Mystified People: