Friday, December 11, 2009

Due deliverance

Today was a roller coaster ride- to say the least.

But first and foremost, I dub my last post as angst ridden. It simply took me time and a lil bit of re-reading to realise that it was unfair of me to be so rebellious. Especially since they DO love me- in their own sick and twisted ways..

Twas something that I wrote in the 'heat of the moment' and for a while there, I let my juvenile emotions get in the way. Not very sophisticated, I know. Ergo, it is not to be taken seriously. I call it mere ranting.

The fact is; I love and adore my family- though there might be moments when I could just strangle/beat/trample/etc. them to death- I still love and adore them.
Is that really a blessing or a curse??

Anyways, since my results were due, I'd figure it's better to mend the proverbial dam before the huge torrents of water (ie, my horrible results) hits. Turns out that it just took alot of talking (note: some debating skills were handy too).
Now, *Ta-da~* I can go out more often, although I could not get them to lift my curfews. *Sigh* Oh well, I'll take what I can get.

For now.

0 Mystified People: