Have gone a full fucking day without setting foot outdoors. And I bloody hate it. It's like being imprisoned in your own home. I cant even go out for dinner! It's just 2 measly hours for god's sake! I am so over this.
I know my parents don't like me going out, but this is getting ridiculous. I'm not 18 anymore- which I might add, is when most parents would 'let go'. but oh~ not mine. If anything, they're tightening the reigns. I know they 'might' do it because they love me but I'm suffocating here!
Don't do this. Don't do that. Do it like this, don't do it like that.
Aggh! Can you hear my restraints snap??
I'm being molded into a replica of what they think I should be. If it were up to them, I'd be a domestic goddess without a single bit of wit in me. I'd be sickly sweet and definitely boring.
And I'm not even mooching off their money. I don't go off gallivanting only to come home and ask for more money. I just go. And come back as if I've never gone anywhere in the first place. Anyways it's not like we spend 'family time'. I'm not missing anything. My brother goes on-line to play DOTA all day, while my parents stay in their room, in front of the TV after they get home. That leaves me, rotting away.
I know now why studying away from home is a good thing. The whole 'It teaches you to be independent' is only part of the whole shebang. It gives you room to explore. Build who you REALLY are. Being in the same University as your mother is NOT a good thing. Imagine every slip up reported. Every move watched. It's enough to make you go crazy.
I need my own space.
Please, take me away.
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