Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Tell Me

I'm looking at my supply of sleepers.
I'm actually counting them now. 1.. 2.. 3.....

I need fucking sleep. But I can't. I've tried. Believe me, I've tried.. But the state of unconsciousness just wont save me. Take me away, damn you!

If I take one, or a couple.. I'll be out cold. That'll be so easy.

But I can imagine you here. With those sharp eyes of yours on mine.. Never saying a word.. silently begging me to stop doing this to myself.

I'm trying to.. Still am. So don't say I never listen to you. Coz I do. Sometimes..


Still cant sleep! And I have morning classes tomorrow! Damnit!

I'm still listening to you...

0 Mystified People: