Sunday, May 2, 2010

Call me taiko!

Killer torts is scheduled on Monday.
2 full topics still untouched..
And I spent the whole day out shopping and lepaking with the bestie.
Yea, I am one crazy chick.

Oh, and did I mention that I'm also dead broke?
Exams + lots of stress + shopping + sale = A whole lot of spending.
But I do have the comfort of completing my mother's day shopping :)
Almost makes me feel better about spending all my dosh. (Almost la.. *Sigh*)

On a not-so-noble note, I did spend most of my dosh on myself.
New yogalates outfit! Heh.
(I shall justify my purchase on motivation! I shall remind myself that it'll be a shame not to work out when I have spent money to get those (adorable) comfy-stretchy clothes.) *Grins*

I love bazaar was better this time around! Yay!
Instead of clothes, the day seemed to zoom in on accessories instead.
My fav spot was Glitter and Glamorous -I cant seem to find the blogshop at the mo, so a link to her facebook page will do. She accepts orders from there too!
(And yes, being nice earned me some really rad discounts!)
I was totally spoiled for choice! And most are hand made! So annoying/embarrassing moments when you meet someone else who is wearing the EXACT SAME thing you're wearing will not happen! (Urrgh, I hate it when that happens. I call it the perils of going to retail outlets. Boo.)

Adorable isn't it?? The whole thing looks even better up close! Absolutely nothing is above RM50 peeps! Most are very2 reasonable. To be honest, the stuff here are way cheaper than any of the lil booths I've seen so far. So brownie points for that!

Personally, I do not think I can rock the flower-sweet look, but these hand made headbands are sooo pretty! And I've been assured that a piece will not be made twice! Surprisingly, the idea of having something one of a kind appealed to me. So I bought one. Meh.

After months of not hanging out with the bestie, I FINALLY get to see her -Plus her "Oh, he's-not-my-boyfriend-but-we-totally-together)" friend/scandal/boyfriend(?) Heri.

I miss you too bitch! Lol.
And if you flake for our double date, I shall kill you.

Now, back to studying!

0 Mystified People: