Thursday, May 27, 2010

Lah! I can do better!

Confession time.
Sometimes.. when I see somebody doing something, there's a voice inside my head that says;
"I can definitely do that better then him/her!"
I know it sounds bad, but I really do feel that way (sometimes). Heh.
But although I think it, I still have enough sense not to say it out loud.
Because the matter of the fact is, even I know that saying you can do something and actually DOING it, are 2 VERY different things.

Today was indeed 'one' of those days..
Today hari flying kick muka sendiri (=.=)"
But I think I needed that..
I know my flaws.. But sometimes, a good kick works too!
After awhile you forget your real capacity.
You get arrogant and you may let yourself think that your better then what you really are.

The knock made me realise that I need get ALOT of things sorted out before I can even dream of being the best.
I'm not that great yet. And I think that's ok.
That just means that I have to work a lil harder.
I'll have my day.
Soon :)

The quote of the day- directed to me (Heh);
"One word- procrastinator"
No arguments there sir!

0 Mystified People: